How to Turn Off SOS on iPhone In 2023

How to Turn Off SOS on iPhone

Mastering the Process: How to Turn Off SOS on iPhone

In the realm of modern technology. Our smartphones have become more than just communication devices; they are lifelines that can be critical in times of need. Among the many features that our smartphones offer, the SOS feature stands out as a beacon of safety and rapid response.

Accidents and emergencies can strike when least expected and knowing how to navigate and customize this feature can mean the difference between a swift resolution and a potential crisis. In this guide, we will delve into the world of the iPhone’s SOS feature, exploring its functionality, purpose and how to tailor it to your specific needs.

Whether you’re seeking to understand its basics, disable accidental activations or fine-tune its settings. This comprehensive guide is your roadmap to mastering the SOS feature on your iPhone.

Brief explanation of what SOS on iPhone is

SOS on an iPhone stands for “Save Our Souls” or “Emergency SOS.” It’s a crucial feature designed to quickly and easily get help in emergency situations. With just a few clicks of a button, your iPhone can call emergency services, share your location and notify your emergency contacts.

This feature is especially important when you find yourself in situations where immediate assistance is needed, such as accidents, health crises or personal safety concerns.

How SOS Works?

When you activate SOS on your iPhone. It automatically dials the local emergency number based on your location. For instance, in the United States, it dials 911. Alongside the call, your iPhone sends your current location to the emergency services. Which can aid responders in finding you quickly.

When is SOS Useful?

SOS can be a lifesaver in various scenarios, such as:

  • Medical Emergencies: If you or someone around you requires urgent medical attention, activating SOS can quickly connect you to medical professionals.
  • Safety Threats: When you feel threatened or are in an unsafe environment, using SOS can alert authorities to your situation.
  • Accidents: If you’re involved in a car crash or any other type of accident, SOS can be vital in getting help to you fast.

Using SOS Responsibly:

While SOS is a powerful tool. It’s important to use it responsibly. Accidental presses can lead to unnecessary emergency calls. Which can strain emergency services and divert resources from real emergencies. To avoid this, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with how to turn off SOS on your iPhone.

Importance of knowing how to turn it off to avoid accidental activations

Understanding how to turn off SOS on your iPhone is essential to prevent accidental activations that can lead to unnecessary emergency calls. While the SOS feature is designed to provide quick assistance during emergencies, unintentional triggers can cause confusion, stress and even hinder actual emergency response efforts. Here’s why knowing how to disable SOS is crucial:

1. Avoiding Unwanted Emergency Calls:

Accidental presses of the SOS button can lead to unintended calls to emergency services. This ties up emergency resources and can divert attention away from genuine emergencies, potentially endangering lives in real need.

2. Preventing Panic:

When an accidental SOS activation occurs, not only are emergency services dispatched but your designated emergency contacts are also notified. This can create unnecessary panic among your loved ones, especially if they are unable to reach you immediately.

3. Preserving Credibility of Emergency Services:

Frequent false alarms due to accidental activations can strain the credibility of emergency response systems. Authorities may become skeptical of repeated unintentional calls. Which could affect the effectiveness of these services during actual emergencies.

4. Maintaining Privacy:

SOS activations often transmit your current location to emergency services and your emergency contacts. Accidental activations compromise your privacy by sharing your location unnecessarily.

5. Preventing Distress:

Unintentional activations can cause personal distress and inconvenience. You might find yourself explaining the false alarm to emergency services and your contacts. Which can be stressful.

Method 1: Turning Off SOS in Settings

Turning off the SOS feature on your iPhone is a straightforward process that helps you avoid accidental emergency calls. By adjusting a few settings, you can ensure that the SOS feature is disabled when not needed. Here’s a step-by-step guide to turning off SOS in the settings:

1. Open Settings:

Unlock your iPhone and locate the “Settings” app on your home screen. It’s represented by a gear icon.

2. Access Emergency SOS:

Scroll down the Settings menu and tap on “Emergency SOS.”

3. Disable Auto Call:

In the Emergency SOS settings, you’ll find an option called “Auto Call.” This feature automatically dials emergency services when you press the side button multiple times rapidly. To disable it, simply toggle off the “Auto Call” switch.

4. Turn Off Countdown Sound:

Another setting to consider turning off is the “Countdown Sound.” When this is enabled, your iPhone emits a loud beeping sound as the emergency call countdown begins. Toggle off the “Countdown Sound” switch if you want to silence this sound.

5. Confirm Changes:

After disabling both “Auto Call” and “Countdown Sound,” exit the Emergency SOS settings. Your changes will be saved automatically.

Step-by-step guide to turning off SOS in the iPhone Settings app

Disabling the SOS feature on your iPhone through the Settings app is a simple process that ensures you have control over when emergency calls are made. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the iPhone Settings and turn off SOS:

Step 1: Open Settings

Unlock your iPhone and locate the “Settings” app icon on your home screen. It resembles a gear and is typically found on the first page of your apps.

Step 2: Access Emergency SOS

Scroll down within the Settings app to find “Emergency SOS.” Tap on it to access the Emergency SOS settings.

Step 3: Disable Auto Call

Inside the Emergency SOS settings, you’ll see a setting labeled “Auto Call.” This setting is responsible for automatically dialing emergency services when the side button is pressed rapidly multiple times. To turn off this feature, simply toggle the switch next to “Auto Call” to the off position. The switch will change from green to white.

Step 4: Turn Off Countdown Sound

Below the “Auto Call” setting, you’ll find another option called “Countdown Sound.” This feature emits a loud beeping sound as the countdown for the emergency call begins. If you prefer to disable this sound, tap the switch next to “Countdown Sound” to turn it off.

Step 5: Confirm Changes

After you’ve turned off both the “Auto Call” and “Countdown Sound” options. You can exit the Emergency SOS settings. Your changes will be saved automatically.

Step 6: Test the Settings (Optional)

If you’re unsure whether the changes were applied successfully. You can test the settings by pressing the side button rapidly a few times. With “Auto Call” turned off. Your iPhone should no longer initiate an emergency call. This step is optional but can provide reassurance.

Screenshots and clear instructions for each step

To make the process of turning off the SOS feature on your iPhone even more straightforward, here’s a detailed guide with screenshots and clear instructions for each step. By following these visual cues, you’ll easily navigate the settings and disable SOS to prevent accidental activations.

Step 1: Open Settings

  • Unlock your iPhone and locate the “Settings” app icon on your home screen.
  • Tap on the “Settings” app to open it.

Step 2: Access Emergency SOS

  • Scroll down within the Settings app to find “Emergency SOS.”
  • Tap on “Emergency SOS” to access the settings related to emergency calls.

Step 3: Disable Auto Call

  • Inside the Emergency SOS settings, locate the “Auto Call” option.
  • Toggle the switch next to “Auto Call” to the off position. The switch will turn from green to white.

Step 4: Turn Off Countdown Sound

  • Below the “Auto Call” option, you’ll find “Countdown Sound.”
  • Tap on the switch next to “Countdown Sound” to turn off the sound. The switch will change its position.

Step 5: Confirm Changes

  • After disabling both “Auto Call” and “Countdown Sound,” you can exit the Emergency SOS settings.
  • Your changes will be saved automatically, ensuring that the SOS feature is turned off.

Step 6: Test the Settings (Optional)

  • If you’d like to verify the changes. You can test the settings by pressing the side button rapidly a few times.
  • With “Auto Call” turned off, your iPhone should not initiate an emergency call.

Method 2: Disabling SOS on the Lock Screen

Accidental activations of the SOS feature from the lock screen can lead to unnecessary panic and emergency calls. To prevent this, it’s crucial to know how to disable SOS directly from the lock screen of your iPhone. Follow these simple steps to ensure you have control over when the SOS feature is used:

Step 1: Wake Up Your iPhone

  • If your iPhone is locked, wake it up by pressing the side button or tapping the screen.

Step 2: Slide to Unlock

  • On the lock screen, locate the “Emergency SOS” slider at the bottom left corner.
  • Swipe right on the “Emergency SOS” slider. This action will open the Emergency SOS keypad.

Step 3: Cancel the Call

  • Once the Emergency SOS keypad is open. You might notice that a call to emergency services is about to be initiated.
  • Tap the “Cancel” button. This action will prevent the emergency call from going through.

Step 4: Confirm Cancellation

  • After tapping “Cancel,” a confirmation pop-up will appear, verifying your decision to cancel the emergency call.
  • Tap “Cancel” on the pop-up to confirm the cancellation.

How to prevent SOS activation from the lock screen

Preventing accidental SOS activations from the lock screen is crucial to avoid unnecessary panic and emergency calls. Taking a few preventive measures can help ensure that the SOS feature is only used intentionally. Here’s how to safeguard against unintended activations:

1. Enable “Call with Side Button” Option:

  • Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone.
  • Scroll down and tap on “Emergency SOS.”
  • Look for the “Call with Side Button” option and make sure it’s turned off. Enabling this option allows you to quickly call emergency services by pressing the side button multiple times. By turning it off, you reduce the risk of accidental activations.

Turn Off SOS on iPhone

2. Use a Protective Case:

  • Invest in a protective case that covers the side buttons of your iPhone.
  • A case with raised edges around the buttons can prevent accidental presses, minimizing the chances of activating SOS.

3. Practice Side Button Awareness:

  • Be mindful of how you handle your iPhone, especially when it’s in your pocket or bag.
  • Avoid placing your iPhone in situations where the side buttons might be pressed unintentionally.

Instructions to adjust settings to avoid unintentional SOS calls

Taking control of your iPhone’s settings can play a pivotal role in preventing unintentional SOS calls, ensuring that the emergency feature is only activated when genuinely needed. Here’s a step-by-step guide on adjusting settings to minimize the risk of accidental SOS activations:

Step 1: Open Settings

  • Unlock your iPhone and locate the “Settings” app icon on your home screen.
  • Tap on “Settings” to open the app.

Step 2: Access Emergency SOS Settings

  • Scroll down within the Settings app to find and tap on “Emergency SOS.”

Step 3: Disable “Call with Side Button”

  • Inside the Emergency SOS settings, find the “Call with Side Button” option.
  • Make sure the switch next to “Call with Side Button” is turned off. This prevents emergency services from being called by rapidly pressing the side button.

Step 4: Enable “Hold to Auto Call” (Optional)

  • If you want an additional layer of security, consider enabling “Hold to Auto Call.”
  • When this option is enabled. You need to press and hold the side button along with the volume button to initiate an emergency call.

Method 3: Using Airplane Mode to Disable SOS

Airplane mode can be a quick and effective way to disable various connectivity features on your iPhone, including the SOS feature. If you’re in a situation where you want to ensure that no accidental emergency calls occur, enabling airplane mode can provide a temporary solution. Here’s how you can use airplane mode to disable SOS:

Step 1: Access Control Center

Swipe down from the top-right corner of your iPhone screen to open the Control Center.

Step 2: Enable Airplane Mode

In the Control Center, locate and tap on the “Airplane” icon.

This action will turn on airplane mode, disabling cellular, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth connectivity.

Step 3: Confirm Airplane Mode

  • A pop-up notification will appear, informing you that enabling airplane mode will turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
  • Tap “Turn On” to confirm and activate airplane mode.

Utilizing Airplane Mode to temporarily disable SOS functionality

When you find yourself in situations where you want to temporarily disable the SOS functionality on your iPhone, using Airplane Mode can offer a quick and effective solution. By enabling Airplane Mode. You can ensure that no accidental emergency calls are made, providing you with a sense of control over your device’s connectivity. Here’s how to utilize Airplane Mode for this purpose:

Step 1: Access Control Center

To open the Control Center, swipe down from the top-right corner of your iPhone screen.

Step 2: Enable Airplane Mode

  • Within the Control Center, locate the “Airplane” icon.
  • Tap on the “Airplane” icon to activate Airplane Mode. This action will disable cellular, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth connections on your device.

Step 3: Confirm Airplane Mode

  • After tapping the “Airplane” icon, a pop-up notification will appear.
  • The notification will inform you that enabling Airplane Mode will turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections.
  • Confirm your choice by tapping “Turn On.”

Cautionary notes about the effects of Airplane Mode on other features

While utilizing Airplane Mode to temporarily disable the SOS functionality can be helpful. It’s essential to be aware of its broader effects on your iPhone’s features. Enabling Airplane Mode not only turns off the SOS feature but also suspends various other connectivity functions. Here are some cautionary notes to consider:

1. Disconnection from Networks:

  • When Airplane Mode is enabled, your iPhone disconnects from cellular networks, Wi-Fi networks, and Bluetooth devices.
  • You won’t be able to make or receive calls, send text messages or use data services while in Airplane Mode.

2. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Disabled:

  • Airplane Mode disables both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity.
  • This means you won’t be able to connect to Wi-Fi networks or use Bluetooth devices, such as wireless headphones or smartwatches.

3. GPS and Location Services:

  • GPS and location services will also be temporarily disabled in Airplane Mode.
  • You won’t be able to use location-based apps or services that rely on GPS data.

4. Emergency Calls:

While Airplane Mode generally disables connectivity. It’s important to note that you can still make emergency calls to local emergency services even when Airplane Mode is enabled.

Method 4: Customizing Emergency SOS Settings

Personalizing your iPhone’s Emergency SOS settings allows you to tailor the feature to your preferences and needs. By customizing these settings, you can ensure that the SOS functionality works best for you in emergency situations. Here’s how you can customize your Emergency SOS settings:

Step 1: Open Settings

  • Unlock your iPhone and locate the “Settings” app icon on your home screen.
  • Tap on “Settings” to access the app.

Step 2: Access Emergency SOS Settings

  • Scroll down within the Settings app to find “Emergency SOS.”
  • Tap on “Emergency SOS” to open the settings related to emergency calls.

Step 3: Adjust Your Preferences

Inside the Emergency SOS settings. You’ll find various options that you can customize based on your needs.

Customizing Emergency Contacts:

  • To set up your emergency contacts, tap on “Edit Emergency Contacts.”
  • You can add contacts from your address book who will be notified during an emergency. These contacts will also receive your location information.

Customizing Countdown Sound:

If you prefer not to have a loud beeping sound during the countdown for emergency calls, toggle off the “Countdown Sound” switch.

Customizing Health Information:

In the Emergency SOS settings, you’ll also find the option to add your medical ID information.

This information can be accessed by responders through the lock screen, providing crucial medical details even when your device is locked.

Exploring the option to customize SOS settings according to personal preferences

The SOS feature on your iPhone can be a lifeline during emergencies, and customizing its settings empowers you to make the most of this valuable tool. Tailoring the SOS settings according to your personal preferences ensures that the feature aligns with your needs and provides a seamless experience in times of crisis. Here’s a closer look at how you can explore and customize your SOS settings:

Step 1: Access Settings

  • Begin by unlocking your iPhone and locating the “Settings” app icon on your home screen.
  • Tap on “Settings” to enter the app.

Step 2: Navigate to Emergency SOS

  • Scroll down within the Settings app to find “Emergency SOS.”
  • Tap on “Emergency SOS” to access the dedicated settings.

Step 3: Customize Settings

Inside the Emergency SOS settings, you’ll find a range of options that you can tailor to your preferences.

Personalized Emergency Contacts:

  • Tap on “Edit Emergency Contacts” to add individuals from your contacts who should be notified during emergencies.
  • These contacts will receive alerts and your location information when the SOS feature is activated.

Adjust Countdown Sound:

  • Toggle the “Countdown Sound” switch to customize the sound that accompanies the countdown before an emergency call is made.
  • Turning this off can help ensure discretion in sensitive situations.

Enhance Medical Information:

  • Within the settings, you can improve the medical information available to responders by adding details to your Medical ID.
  • This information can be accessed from the lock screen and provides vital health insights.

Instructions on adjusting countdown sound, auto-call and more

Fine-tuning the settings related to your iPhone’s SOS feature allows you to optimize its functionality according to your preferences and needs. By adjusting options like countdown sound and auto-call. You can ensure that the SOS feature operates in a way that suits you best. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through these settings:

Step 1: Open Settings

  • Begin by unlocking your iPhone and locating the “Settings” app icon on your home screen.
  • Tap on “Settings” to access the app.

Step 2: Access Emergency SOS

Scroll down within the Settings app to find “Emergency SOS.”

Tap on “Emergency SOS” to access the dedicated settings.

Step 3: Adjust SOS Preferences

Inside the Emergency SOS settings, you’ll find options to customize various aspects of the SOS feature.

Toggle Countdown Sound:

To turn off the loud beeping sound that accompanies the countdown before an emergency call is made, tap the “Countdown Sound” switch to toggle it off.

Disable Auto-Call:

  • Locate the “Auto Call” option within the settings.
  • Toggle the switch next to “Auto Call” to turn it off. This prevents emergency services from being called by rapidly pressing the side button.

Enhance Medical Information:

  • Take advantage of the “Medical ID” option in the settings to provide responders with vital health information.
  • Tap on “Edit” to add details such as allergies, medications and emergency contacts.

Troubleshooting: SOS Still Activating?

If you’ve taken steps to prevent accidental SOS activations but find that the feature is still being triggered unintentionally. There are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to address the issue. Here’s a guide to help you troubleshoot and resolve the problem of SOS still activating:

Turn Off SOS on iPhone

Step 1: Check Side Button Sensitivity

  • Sometimes, the side button’s sensitivity might be too high, leading to accidental activations.
  • Access “Settings” on your iPhone and navigate to “Accessibility.”
  • Tap on “Touch” and then “Side Button.”
  • Adjust the “Press and Hold to Speak” sensitivity slider to a level that prevents unintended presses.

Step 2: Inspect Phone Case

  • If you’re using a case, ensure that it fits your iPhone properly and doesn’t press against the side buttons.
  • A snug-fitting case that doesn’t interfere with button functions can help prevent accidental activations.

Step 3: Familiarize with Emergency SOS

  • Make sure you’re aware of how the Emergency SOS feature works, especially when pressing the side button multiple times rapidly.
  • Familiarity with the feature can reduce the chances of accidental activations.

Step 4: Update iOS

  • Check if your iPhone is running the latest iOS version.
  • Updates often include bug fixes and improvements that could address issues with SOS activations.

Common reasons why SOS might still activate despite adjustments

If you’ve taken measures to prevent accidental SOS activations but are still experiencing unexpected triggers. There might be underlying reasons causing this issue. Understanding these common reasons can help you pinpoint the source of the problem and implement effective solutions. Here are some possible explanations:

1. Side Button Sensitivity:

  • Even with adjustments, the side button’s sensitivity might still be too high, leading to unintended activations.
  • The side button might be triggered inadvertently due to pressure or contact. Even if the sensitivity is reduced.

2. Faulty Case Design:

  • Some iPhone cases, especially those with ill-fitting or overly sensitive button cutouts. It can inadvertently press the side button.
  • A poorly designed case might not adequately protect against accidental activations.

3. Misinterpretation of Side Button Usage:

  • In high-pressure situations, there’s a possibility of accidentally misinterpreting the side button’s functionality.
  • Rapid presses might occur unintentionally during attempts to perform other tasks.

4. Software Glitches:

Occasionally, software glitches or bugs in the iOS system could cause unintended activations.

Check if your iPhone’s operating system is up-to-date and if any new updates address such issues.

5. Hardware Malfunction:

  • In rare cases, a malfunctioning hardware component, such as the side button itself, could be responsible.
  • Hardware issues might require professional diagnosis and repair.
  • Troubleshooting tips and potential solutions

Understanding the SOS Feature on iPhone

The SOS feature on iPhones is a crucial safety tool that allows users to quickly seek help and assistance in emergency situations. Designed to provide a rapid response mechanism. The SOS feature can prove invaluable during critical moments. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you understand the SOS feature on your iPhone:

What is the SOS Feature?

The SOS feature is a built-in emergency function that lets you quickly call for help and alert emergency services. When activated, the SOS feature dials the local emergency number, such as 911 in the United States and sends a distress signal to predefined emergency contacts. This ensures a swift response during urgent situations.

Activating SOS:

  • On most iPhones, pressing the side button (also known as the power button) five times in quick succession initiates the SOS process.
  • Alternatively, if you’re using an iPhone 8 or later. You can hold the side button and one of the volume buttons simultaneously for SOS activation.

Auto Call:

  • The SOS feature includes an “Auto Call” option that automatically dials emergency services when the side button is pressed rapidly five times.
  • This can be a helpful setting during emergencies but can also lead to accidental calls.

Countdown and Alerts:

  • Once activated, the SOS feature triggers a three-second countdown before initiating the emergency call.
  • A loud beeping sound accompanies the countdown, alerting you to the impending call.

Customizing SOS Settings:

  • You can customize your SOS settings in the iPhone’s “Emergency SOS” section.
  • Adjustments include disabling “Auto Call,” customizing emergency contacts and modifying the countdown sound.

Preventing Accidental Activations:

  • To prevent unintentional activations, adjust the “Auto Call” setting and familiarize yourself with the side button’s sensitivity.
  • Using a protective case and practicing awareness can also minimize accidental SOS calls.

When to Use SOS:

  • The SOS feature should be used in genuine emergencies when you require immediate assistance from emergency services or your emergency contacts.
  • False activations can divert emergency resources from those in genuine need.

Explanation of the SOS feature and its purpose.

The SOS feature on iPhones serves as a critical lifeline, providing users with a quick and direct way to seek help and assistance during emergencies. With its rapid response mechanism, the SOS feature is designed to ensure safety and aid in urgent situations. Here’s an in-depth explanation of the SOS feature’s purpose and functionality:

Understanding the SOS Feature:

The SOS feature is a built-in emergency tool integrated into iPhones that enables users to initiate emergency calls and alerts. It offers a straightforward method to connect with emergency services and designated contacts when time is of the essence.

Purpose of the SOS Feature:

The primary purpose of the SOS feature is to provide immediate assistance and alert the necessary parties during emergencies. Whether it’s a medical crisis, personal danger or any urgent situation, the SOS feature empowers users to take quick action. Its key objectives include:

1. Rapid Emergency Response:

The SOS feature is engineered for speed. With just a few button presses, users can swiftly reach out for help from emergency services.

2. Efficient Alert System:

In addition to calling emergency services, the SOS feature can also notify designated emergency contacts about the situation, ensuring that help is mobilized on multiple fronts.

3. Discreet Assistance:

The option to enable “Auto Call” streamlines the process even further, allowing users to activate the SOS feature discreetly, without needing to manually dial numbers.

4. Support in Remote Areas:

The SOS feature’s functionality isn’t confined to areas with strong cellular coverage. It can connect to available networks, even in regions with weaker signal strength.

How the SOS Feature Works:

To activate the SOS feature, press the side button (power button) five times rapidly or simultaneously press the side button and one of the volume buttons (on iPhone 8 and later).

A three-second countdown with a distinct sound precedes the initiation of the emergency call.

The SOS feature also sends location information to your designated emergency contacts.

How SOS can be triggered accidentally.

While the SOS feature on iPhones is a valuable tool in emergencies. It’s also important to be aware of how it can be unintentionally activated. Accidental triggers of the SOS feature can lead to unnecessary panic and emergency calls, disrupting your activities. Here’s a breakdown of common scenarios that can cause accidental SOS activations:

1. High Button Sensitivity:

  • The side button’s sensitivity might be set too high, leading to inadvertent presses.
  • Even a slight pressure on the side button, especially in tightly held devices or pockets, can trigger SOS.

2. Button Combination Mishaps:

  • On some iPhone models, the combination of pressing the side button and volume buttons can accidentally initiate SOS calls.
  • Handling the device in a rush or without complete focus can lead to this unintended button combination.

3. Phone Inside Tight Spaces:

  • Placing your iPhone in a pocket, bag or purse without locking the screen can result in accidental side button presses.
  • Objects within the confined space might inadvertently press the button.

4. Handling During Physical Activities:

  • Engaging in physical activities like workouts, sports or even simple movements can inadvertently activate the SOS feature.
  • The repetitive motion or pressure against the side button can lead to accidental triggers.

5. Children Playing with the Device:

  • Children who are curious or playing with your iPhone might accidentally press the side button repeatedly.
  • This can result in the activation of the SOS feature without your knowledge.

6. Unfamiliarity with SOS Activation:

  • Lack of awareness about how the SOS feature works can lead to unintentional activations.
  • Mishandling the device while attempting to perform other tasks might trigger SOS.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Turn Off SOS on iPhone

Turning off the SOS feature on your iPhone is a straightforward process that can help you avoid accidental activations and ensure that emergency calls are made only when necessary. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you disable the SOS feature:

Step 1: Open Settings

  • Unlock your iPhone and locate the “Settings” app icon on your home screen.
  • Tap on “Settings” to access the app.

Step 2: Navigate to Emergency SOS

  • Scroll down within the Settings app to find “Emergency SOS.”
  • Tap on “Emergency SOS” to access the dedicated settings.

Step 3: Turn Off Auto Call

  • Inside the Emergency SOS settings, locate the “Auto Call” option.
  • Toggle the switch next to “Auto Call” to turn it off.
  • Disabling Auto Call prevents the iPhone from automatically dialing emergency services when the side button is rapidly pressed.

Step 4: Customize SOS Settings (Optional)

While in the Emergency SOS settings. You can customize other options such as adding emergency contacts and adjusting countdown sound.

Make the necessary adjustments based on your preferences.

Step 5: Verify SOS is Turned Off

After completing the above steps, make sure that the “Auto Call” switch is in the off position.

This confirms that the SOS feature won’t be triggered accidentally.

Accessing Settings

Navigating to the iPhone’s “Settings” is the initial step to modify various features, including the SOS settings. This simple process allows you to access and adjust the settings that govern your device’s functionality. Here’s how to access the Settings on your iPhone:

Step 1: Unlock Your iPhone

Begin by unlocking your iPhone using your passcode, Face ID or Touch ID.

Turn Off SOS on iPhone

Step 2: Locate the Settings App Icon

On your home screen, search for the “Settings” app icon. It resembles a gear.

Step 3: Open the Settings App

Tap on the “Settings” app icon to open the app.

Opening Settings

Once you’ve unlocked your iPhone and located the “Settings” app icon, the next step is to open the Settings app. This action will grant you access to a wide range of customization options and features that you can adjust according to your preferences. Here’s how to open the Settings app on your iPhone:

Step 1: Unlock Your iPhone

If your iPhone is locked, swipe up from the bottom of the screen (on models with Face ID) or press the home button (on models with Touch ID) to access the home screen.

Step 2: Locate and Tap the Settings App Icon

  • Look for the “Settings” app icon, which resembles a gear, on your home screen.
  • Tap on the “Settings” app icon to open it.

Step 3: Explore the Settings Interface

  • Upon opening the Settings app, you’ll be presented with various categories and options.
  • Scroll through the interface to explore different settings, including those related to the SOS feature.

Scrolling Down

Once you’ve opened the “Settings” app on your iPhone. You’ll have access to a multitude of settings and options that you can customize. To find the “Emergency SOS” settings. You may need to scroll down within the app. Here’s how to scroll down and navigate through the settings:

Step 1: Open the Settings App

Begin by unlocking your iPhone and tapping on the “Settings” app icon to open it.

Step 2: Scroll Down to Find Emergency SOS

  • Inside the Settings app, you’ll see a list of available options and categories.
  • To access the “Emergency SOS” settings, swipe your finger upward on the screen. As you do, the content will move upward, revealing additional options as you scroll.

Step 3: Locate Emergency SOS

Continue scrolling until you find the “Emergency SOS” option. It might be located further down the list of settings.

Disabling Auto Call

One of the key settings within the “Emergency SOS” section is the ability to disable the “Auto Call” feature. Auto Call automatically dials emergency services when the side button is pressed rapidly multiple times. If you want more control over when emergency calls are made. You can turn off Auto Call. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Open Emergency SOS Settings

  • Unlock your iPhone and open the “Settings” app.
  • Scroll down to find and tap on “Emergency SOS.”

Step 2: Turn Off Auto Call

  • Within the Emergency SOS settings. You’ll see the “Auto Call” option.
  • Toggle the switch next to “Auto Call” to turn it off.

Step 3: Confirm Auto Call is Disabled

  • After toggling off Auto Call, make sure the switch is in the off position.
  • With Auto Call disabled, emergency services won’t be automatically dialed when you press the side button rapidly.

Optional: Adjust Emergency SOS Countdown Sound

The Emergency SOS feature on iPhones includes a countdown sound that alerts you before an emergency call is initiated. If you find the countdown sound disruptive or unnecessary. You have the option to adjust or disable it. Here’s how you can customize the emergency SOS countdown sound:

Step 1: Open Emergency SOS Settings

  • Unlock your iPhone and access the “Settings” app.
  • Scroll down to find and tap on “Emergency SOS.”

Step 2: Modify Countdown Sound

  • Within the Emergency SOS settings, look for the “Countdown Sound” option.
  • Tap on “Countdown Sound” to open the sound options.

Step 3: Choose Your Preference

Depending on your preference, you can select from a range of countdown sound options.

You can choose between “Alert Sound,” “Vibration,” or “None” to adjust or disable the countdown sound.

Step 4: Confirm Your Selection

After selecting your preferred option, exit the settings and confirm your choice.

Exiting Settings

After making adjustments to your iPhone’s SOS settings. It’s important to properly exit the “Settings” app to ensure that your changes are saved. Here’s how you can exit the Settings app:

Step 1: Confirm Your Changes

Before exiting, ensure that you have made all the desired adjustments to your SOS settings.

Take a moment to review the changes you’ve made.

Step 2: Navigate Back

  • To exit the “Emergency SOS” settings or any other section within Settings. You can simply press the “Back” button.
  • The “Back” button is typically indicated by an arrow icon at the top-left corner of the screen.

Step 3: Return to Home Screen

  • Tapping the “Back” button will take you back to the previous screen within Settings.
  • To return to your iPhone’s home screen, press the “Back” button again or use gestures to navigate.


In today’s fast-paced world, having quick and efficient access to emergency assistance is of paramount importance. The SOS feature on your iPhone offers a powerful solution, enabling you to swiftly reach out for help when you need it the most. By understanding how to use and customize the SOS feature.

You can ensure that it remains a reliable tool for emergencies while also preventing accidental activations that could lead to unnecessary panic or disruptions.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered every aspect of the SOS feature, from its purpose and activation methods to customization options and troubleshooting steps. We explored how to turn off Auto Call, adjust the emergency countdown sound and navigate the Settings app effortlessly.

By following the step-by-step instructions and insights provided. You’re now equipped with the knowledge to optimize the SOS feature according to your preferences.

Remember, while the SOS feature is designed to save lives, understanding its workings and configurations empowers you to use it effectively and responsibly. By taking the time to explore its settings, you can harness its potential for genuine emergencies while minimizing the chances of accidental activations.

Stay safe, stay informed and make the most of your iPhone’s SOS feature—an invaluable tool in your journey towards enhanced personal safety and peace of mind.

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