How to block a website on android in 2023 (Easy 3 Ways)

block a website on android

In today’s digital era, I am writing about “How to block a website on android” devices are our gateways to a world of information, entertainment and communication. However, along with the myriad benefits. There comes the challenge of managing our online activities.

Especially when distractions abound. Whether you’re seeking enhanced productivity or a safer online space for your family. The concept of website blocking takes center stage. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the realm of website blocking methods specifically tailored for blocking a website on android devices.

We’ll explore a variety of approaches, from built in browser settings to third party apps and router configurations. Offering you the tools to curate a digital experience that aligns with your goals and values. Let’s embark on this journey to discover effective ways to shape your online world.

Brief explanation of the importance of blocking websites on How to block a website on Android devices

In the modern digital landscape, the significance of blocking websites on block a website on android devices cannot be overstated.

Website blocking involves preventing access to specific online sites and it plays a crucial role in ensuring a secure, focused and controlled online experience. Let’s delve into why blocking websites on block a website on android devices holds such importance:

1. Enhanced Security and Privacy:

Blocking websites can shield your block a website on an Android device from potential security threats. Malicious websites often contain viruses, malware or phishing attempts that can compromise your device’s security and steal sensitive information. By blocking such sites, you fortify your defense against cyber threats.

2. Improved Productivity:

The allure of countless websites can be distracting and detrimental to productivity. Social media, entertainment platforms and gaming websites can eat into valuable time. By blocking these distracting sites, you can stay focused on tasks, be it work, studies or other important activities.

3. Safe Environment for Children:

Parents understand the need to protect their children from inappropriate content online. Blocking certain websites ensures that kids don’t stumble upon explicit, violent or mature content. This creates a safer online space for young users to explore without exposure to harmful material.

4. Curbing Digital Addiction:

The addictive nature of certain websites can lead to excessive screen time, impacting mental and physical well being. By blocking access to these addictive sites, you can break the cycle of compulsive browsing and regain control over your online habits.

5. Data and Bandwidth Management:

Blocking bandwidth intensive websites can help manage your data usage effectively. Video streaming and media heavy sites consume significant data, potentially leading to slower connections and exceeding data limits. Blocking these sites conserves data and optimizes your online experience.

6. Fostering Learning and Focus:

Students and learners benefit from blocking distracting websites during study sessions. With irrelevant sites blocked, concentration improves, allowing for better absorption of information and enhanced learning outcomes.

7. Upholding Mental Well being:

Certain websites can expose users to negative content, including hate speech, graphic imagery and misinformation. Blocking these sites promotes a positive online environment, protecting your mental and emotional well being.

Overview of the methods covered in the post

In this post, we’ll explore various methods for blocking websites on block a website on android devices, ensuring a safer, more focused online experience. These methods empower you to take control of your digital interactions and enhance your device’s security and productivity. Let’s delve into the different approaches:

1. Built in Browser Settings:

Most block a website on android browsers offer built in settings to block specific websites. You can manually add URLs to a blocklist, preventing access through the browser. This method is straightforward and requires no additional tools.

2. Third Party Apps:

Numerous third party apps are designed to help you block websites on android devices. These apps often provide advanced features such as scheduling, app locking and content filtering. They offer a comprehensive solution for managing online content.

3. Parental Control Apps:

For parents concerned about their children’s online safety, parental control apps are invaluable. These apps not only allow you to block inappropriate websites but also offer features like time limits, app monitoring and location tracking.

4. DNS Based Blocking:

By altering your device’s DNS settings. You can block websites at the network level. This method is effective for blocking websites across all apps and browsers on your block a website on an android device.

5. Router Level Blocking:

If you want to extend website blocking to all devices connected to your home network, consider router level blocking. This approach affects all devices, making it a family friendly solution.

6. Focus and Productivity Apps:

Certain apps are designed to enhance productivity by blocking distracting websites during work or study sessions. These apps help maintain focus and increase efficiency.

7. Browser Extensions:

If you primarily use a specific browser. You can utilize browser extensions to block websites. These extensions offer flexibility and can be customized to suit your needs.

8. Hosts File Modification:

For tech savvy users, modifying the hosts file on your block a website on an android device can effectively block websites. This method requires some technical knowledge but provides precise control over website access.

Method 1: Using Built in Browser Settings

One straightforward way to block websites on your block is by using the built-in settings in your web browser. This method allows you to control which websites you can access directly from the browser itself. Here’s how to use this method:

Step 1: Open Your Browser Settings:

Launch the web browser you use on your block a website on an android device. Tap on the three dots or the menu icon located at the top right corner of the browser window. From the dropdown menu, select “Settings.”

Step 2: Access Site Restrictions:

Within the browser settings, look for an option related to “Site Settings,” “Privacy” or “Content Settings.” The wording may vary depending on your browser. Once you find it, tap on it.

Step 3: Block Specific Websites:

In the site settings, you’ll likely see an option to manage or block specific websites. Tap on this option to enter the list of blocked websites. Here, you can add the URLs of the websites you want to block.

Step 4: Add Website URLs:

Manually type or paste the URLs of the websites you wish to block. Some browsers may also offer an option to import a list of blocked sites. After entering the URLs, save the changes.

Step 5: Verify Blocked Access:

Exit the settings and try accessing one of the blocked websites. You should receive a message indicating that the website is blocked and cannot be accessed.

Advantages of Using Built in Browser Settings:

  • Simplicity: This method is easy to use and doesn’t require installing additional apps or tools.
  • Direct Control: You can manage website blocking directly from your browser settings, ensuring that only specified websites are restricted.
  • Quick Activation: The blocking takes effect immediately after you add websites to the blocklist.


  • Limited to Browser: Websites are only blocked within the specific browser you configured. Other apps or browsers are unaffected.
  • Manual Management: If you want to block websites across multiple browsers or apps, you need to manually set up the blocklist in each one.

Step-by-step guide to blocking websites through the default browser settings

Blocking websites on your “How to block a website on Android” device using the default browser settings is a convenient way to regulate your online experience. Follow this step-by-step guide to effectively block websites and ensure a more controlled browsing environment:

Step 1: Open Your Default Browser:

Launch the web browser that came pre-installed on your block website on an Android device. It’s usually Chrome, Firefox or another default browser.

Step 2: Access Browser Settings:

Locate and tap on the three dots or menu icon in the top right corner of the browser window. This will open a dropdown menu.

Step 3: Navigate to Site Settings:

Scroll down the dropdown menu and find the “Settings” option. Tap on it to access the browser’s settings.

Step 4: Manage Site Permissions:

In the settings, look for an option like “Site Settings,” “Privacy” or “Permissions.” Tap on it to proceed.

Step 5: Block Specific Sites:

Within the site permissions section, search for the option to block specific websites. This option may be labeled as “Blocked sites” or something similar.

Step 6: Add Websites to Block:

Tap on the “Blocked sites” option to view the list of websites currently blocked. There should be an option to add new websites. Select this option.

Step 7: Enter Website URL:

Manually type or paste the URL of the website you want to block. Ensure the URL is accurate to prevent any mistakes.

Step 8: Confirm Blocking:

After entering the website URL, tap on the confirmation or add button. The website will now be added to the list of blocked sites.

Step 9: Verify Blocking:

To confirm that the website is blocked, try accessing it through the browser. You should see a message indicating that the site is blocked.

Step 10: Manage Blocked Sites:

If you wish to unblock a website or manage the list of blocked sites. You can revisit the same settings and make the necessary adjustments.

Advantages of Blocking through Default Browser Settings:

  • Ease of Use: This method requires no additional apps or tools and can be managed directly from the default browser.
  • Quick Implementation: Blocking takes effect immediately after you add a website to the blocklist.
  • Browser Specific: Websites are blocked only within the browser you configure, leaving other apps unaffected.


  • Limited Coverage: This method doesn’t block websites across all apps; it’s limited to the specific browser you’re configuring.
  • Manual Setup: If you want to block websites across multiple browsers or apps. You’ll need to repeat this process for each one.

By following this step-by-step guide. You can seamlessly control your online experience by blocking specific websites through your default block a website on Android browser settings.

block a website on android

How to access site restrictions and add URLs to the block list

Managing site restrictions and adding URLs to the block list in your “How to block a website on Android” device’s browser settings is a straightforward process that empowers you to control your online content. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to access site restrictions and add URLs to the block list:

Step 1: Open Your Browser Settings:

Launch the web browser on your block a website on Android device. Look for the three dots or menu icon at the top right corner of the browser window and tap on it.

Step 2: Navigate to Site Settings:

From the dropdown menu, locate and select the “Settings” option. This will take you to the browser’s settings page.

Step 3: Find Site Permissions or Content Settings:

Depending on the browser you’re using. You’ll need to find an option like “Site Settings” “Privacy” or “Content Settings.” Tap on this option to proceed.

Step 4: Access Blocked Sites:

Within the site permissions or content settings section. There should be an option labeled “Blocked sites” or something similar. Tap on this option to view or manage the list of blocked websites.

Step 5: Add a Website to the Block List:

In the list of blocked sites, you’ll usually find an option to add new websites. Tap on this option to enter the URL of the website you want to block.

Step 6: Enter Website URL:

Manually type or paste the URL of the website you wish to block. Ensure the URL is accurate to avoid any mistakes.

Step 7: Confirm Blocking:

After entering the website URL, confirm the action by tapping on the confirmation or add button. This will add the website to the block list.

Step 8: Verify the Block:

To make sure the website is successfully blocked, attempt to access it using the browser. You should see a notification stating that the site is blocked.

Step 9: Manage Blocked Sites (Optional):

If you want to make changes to the list of blocked sites, such as unblocking a website. You can revisit the same settings and adjust as needed.

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Advantages of Accessing Site Restrictions and Adding URLs to the Block List:

  • Direct Control: You have direct control over the websites you want to block within your browser, creating a tailored browsing experience.
  • Quick Application: Blocking a website takes effect instantly once added to the block list.
  • Browser Centric: The blocklist is specific to the browser you configure, keeping other apps unaffected.


  • Scope Limited to Browser: This method only blocks websites within the specific browser you set up, not across all apps.
  • Individual Setup: If you want to block websites across multiple browsers or apps. You’ll need to repeat this process for each.

By following this guide, you can effectively manage site restrictions and enhance your online experience by adding specific URLs to the block list in your block a website on Android device’s browser settings.

Method 2: Using Third Party Apps

Harnessing the power of third party apps is a versatile approach to blocking websites on your block a website on Android device. These apps offer advanced features, user friendly interfaces and comprehensive control over your online content. Here’s a breakdown of how to use third party apps for effective website blocking:

Step 1: Choose a Reputable App:

Visit the Google Play Store and search for “website blocker” or similar keywords. Explore the available options and choose a well reviewed, reputable app that suits your needs.

Step 2: Install the App:

Once you’ve selected an app, tap the “Install” button to download and install it on your block a website on Android device.

Step 3: Launch the App:

After installation, open the app from your device’s app drawer. You’ll likely be guided through an initial setup process.

Step 4: Add Websites to Block:

Within the app’s interface, look for an option to add websites to the blocklist. This can usually be found under settings or preferences.

Step 5: Enter Website URLs:

Manually enter the URLs of the websites you want to block. Some apps might also allow you to import blocklists or use predefined categories for blocking.

Step 6: Customize Settings (Optional):

Explore the app’s settings to customize the level of blocking you want. Some apps offer features like scheduling, access control and even password protection.

Step 7: Enable Website Blocking:

Activate the website blocking feature within the app. This will ensure that the specified websites are inaccessible from your device.

Step 8: Verify Blocking:

Open your device’s browser and try accessing one of the blocked websites. You should see a message indicating that the site is restricted.

Advantages of Using Third Party Apps:

  • Comprehensive Control: These apps offer a wide range of features, allowing you to fine tune your website blocking experience.
  • User Friendly: Most apps are designed with user friendliness in mind, making the setup process simple and intuitive.
  • Advanced Features: Third party apps often include scheduling, app locking and content filtering options for a well rounded approach to website blocking.


  • App Dependency: Website blocking only applies when using the specific app you’ve installed. Other apps and browsers are unaffected.
  • App Compatibility: Ensure the app is compatible with your device and version of Android.

Introduction to third party apps designed for website blocking on block a website on Android

In the realm of digital management, third party apps designed for website blocking on block a website on Android devices offer a powerful solution to control your online experience.

These apps provide users with a user friendly and versatile way to filter and regulate the websites they access. This introduction sheds light on the benefits and features of using such third party apps for effective website blocking:

Understanding Website Blocking Apps:

Website blocking apps are specialized tools available for download from the Google Play Store. They equip users with the ability to curate their online content by restricting access to specific websites. Whether you’re aiming for enhanced productivity, better focus or safer browsing. These apps deliver a range of features to meet your objectives.

Key Features of Website Blocking Apps:

  • Customizable Blocklists: These apps allow you to manually add URLs of websites you want to block. You have full control over the content you restrict.
  • Scheduling: Some apps offer scheduling options, enabling you to set specific times when certain websites should be blocked. This is particularly useful for maintaining a work-study balance.
  • App Locking: In addition to website blocking. Some apps can lock other apps on your device to prevent access during specific periods or times of day.
  • Password Protection: For added security, many apps provide password protection features, ensuring that only authorized users can modify the blocklist.
  • Content Filtering: Certain apps include content filtering options that categorize websites into groups (e.g., social media, gaming) for easier management.

Benefits of Using Website Blocking Apps:

  • Versatile Control: These apps cater to various needs. Whether you want to curb distractions, shield your children from inappropriate content or create a more focused work environment.
  • Ease of Use: Most apps feature intuitive interfaces, making them accessible to a wide range of users, regardless of technical expertise.
  • Enhanced Productivity: By blocking time consuming or distracting websites. These apps can significantly boost productivity and improve time management.
  • Parental Control: Parents can create a safer online space for their children by selectively blocking websites with explicit, violent or mature content.
  • Personalized Experience: The ability to customize blocklists and settings allows users to tailor their website blocking experience according to their preferences.

Selection criteria for choosing a reliable app from the Google Play Store

When it comes to selecting a reliable website blocking app from the Google Play Store, making an informed choice is crucial. With numerous options available. It’s essential to consider specific criteria that ensure you’re choosing an app that meets your needs and expectations. Here’s a concise guide to help you make a confident decision:

1. User Ratings and Reviews:

Check the app’s user ratings and read through reviews. Apps with higher ratings and positive feedback are generally more trustworthy and effective.

2. Developer Reputation:

Look into the developer’s background and reputation. Established developers with a history of creating reliable apps are more likely to offer a quality website blocking solution.

3. App Features:

Evaluate the app’s features. Ensure it provides the functionalities you need, such as customizable blocklists, scheduling and content filtering.

4. Regular Updates:

A reliable app is regularly updated to address bugs, improve performance and introduce new features. Check the frequency of updates in the app’s description.

5. Permissions:

Review the app’s permission requirements. Ensure the permissions it requests are relevant to its functionality. Be cautious if an app asks for excessive permissions.

6. Compatibility:

Check if the app is compatible with your block website on Android device’s version and specifications. Outdated apps may not work well with the latest block a website on Android versions.

7. Security Measures:

Verify if the app implements security measures, such as password protection. Security features are important, especially when dealing with website blocking.

8. Advertisements and In App Purchases:

Consider whether the app includes ads or offers in app purchases. Ad heavy apps might impact your experience, and in app purchases could affect your budget.

9. Trial or Free Versions:

Opt for apps that offer a trial or free version. This allows you to test the app’s effectiveness and compatibility before committing to a purchase.

10. Customer Support:

Check if the app’s developer offers customer support. Having access to support can be invaluable if you encounter any issues with the app.

11. User Friendly Interface:

Choose an app with an intuitive and easy to navigate interface. A user friendly design makes setup and usage more straightforward.

12. Online Resources:

Explore the app’s official website or any available documentation. Clear instructions and resources indicate a developer’s commitment to user satisfaction.

By considering these criteria, you can make an informed decision when selecting a reliable website blocking app from the Google Play Store. Prioritize an app that aligns with your requirements and enhances your digital experience by providing effective website blocking and management capabilities.

Method 3: Configuring via Wi-Fi Router

Configuring website blocking via your Wi-Fi router is a powerful method that extends website restrictions to all devices connected to your network. This method is particularly useful for creating a family friendly online environment. Here’s how to set up website blocking through your Wi-Fi router:

Step 1: Access Router Settings:

Open a web browser on a device connected to your Wi-Fi network. In the address bar, enter your router’s IP address. Typically, it’s something like “” Consult your router’s manual if you’re unsure.

Step 2: Log In:

You’ll be prompted to enter your router’s admin username and password. If you haven’t changed these, use the default credentials provided in your router’s manual.

Step 3: Locate Parental Controls or Access Restrictions:

Navigate through the router’s settings menu to find the section related to parental controls, access restrictions or something similar. The terminology varies based on router brands.

Step 4: Enable Website Blocking:

Within the parental controls or access restrictions section. You’ll likely find options to block specific websites or categories. Enable website blocking and proceed to add the URLs of the websites you want to block.

Step 5: Enter Website URLs:

Manually enter the URLs of the websites you wish to block. Some routers also allow you to import blocklists or choose from predefined categories.

Step 6: Save Changes:

After adding the websites to block, save the changes within the router settings. The router will now enforce these restrictions for all devices connected to the network.

Step 7: Verify Blocking:

On your block a website on Android device, connect to your Wi-Fi network and try accessing one of the blocked websites. You should see a notification indicating that the site is restricted.

Advantages of Configuring via Wi-Fi Router:

  • Network-Wide Blocking: All devices connected to your Wi-Fi network, including block a website on Android devices, will be subject to the same website restrictions.
  • Family Friendly: This method is ideal for families as it ensures a safe and controlled online environment for everyone.
  • Consistent Blocking: Websites remain blocked regardless of the browser or app used on the devices.


  • Router Specific: The setup process and terminology vary depending on your router’s brand and model.
  • Limited Customization: Some routers might have limitations in terms of customization and the types of websites you can block.

Setting up website blocking via your Wi-Fi router provides a broad and effective solution for regulating online content. By following these steps, you can create a secure and controlled online environment for all devices connected to your network, including your block a website on Android devices.

Explanation of blocking websites by configuring the Wi-Fi router settings

Blocking websites by configuring your Wi-Fi router settings is a robust approach to regulate internet access for all devices connected to your network.

block a website on android

This method ensures that website restrictions are uniformly applied, making it particularly advantageous for maintaining a secure and family-friendly online environment. Here’s a comprehensive explanation of how this method works:

Understanding Router-Based Website Blocking:

Wi-Fi routers act as gatekeepers for internet access in your home network. By configuring the router settings, you can control which websites devices connected to the network can access. This is accomplished by setting up restrictions that prevent specific URLs or categories of websites from being loaded.

Key Steps to Configure Router Based Blocking:

Access Router Settings:

Using a web browser on a device connected to the Wi-Fi network, enter the router’s IP address (e.g., “”) in the address bar. Log in using your router’s admin credentials.

Locate Parental Controls or Access Restrictions:

Navigate through the router settings to find the section dedicated to parental controls, access restrictions or similar features. This is where you’ll set up website blocking.

Enable Website Blocking:

Within the appropriate settings section, enable the option for website blocking. This feature might also be referred to as “URL filtering” or “content filtering.”

Add Websites to Block:

Input the URLs of the websites you want to block. Some routers also offer the choice to block entire categories of websites, such as social media or gaming sites.

Save Changes:

After adding the websites, save the changes in the router settings. The router will now enforce the restrictions for all devices connected to the network.

Verify Blocking:

Connect and block a website on Android device to the Wi-Fi network and try accessing one of the blocked websites. You’ll receive a message indicating that the site is restricted.

Advantages of Router Based Blocking:

  • Network Wide Coverage: Website blocking applies to all devices connected to the Wi-Fi network, ensuring consistent restrictions.
  • Family Focused: This method creates a safer online space for family members, especially children, by preventing access to inappropriate content.
  • No Device Dependencies: Blocking remains effective regardless of the device or browser used.


  • Router Variability: The setup process varies among router brands and models. Terminology and available features differ.
  • Limited Customization: Some routers might lack advanced features, restricting your ability to finely tune the blocked content.

Blocking websites through Wi-Fi router settings offers a comprehensive solution for managing online content. By configuring these settings, you’re taking control of the digital environment in your home network, promoting a secure and positive online experience for everyone connected to it, including blocking a website on Android devices.

Method 4: Family Link (Google)

Google’s Family Link is a dedicated solution for parents seeking to create a safe and controlled online environment for their children using How to block a website on Android devices. With Family Link, you can manage and monitor your child’s digital activities, including website access. Here’s how to use Family Link to effectively block websites on Android devices:

Step 1: Set Up Family Link:

Download and install the Google Family Link app from the Google Play Store. Follow the prompts to set up an account for your child and link their block a website on Android device to your account as the parent.

Step 2: Access Parental Controls:

In the Family Link app, tap on your child’s account. Navigate to the “Settings” section and then select “Manage settings” under the “Controls” section.

Step 3: Website Restrictions:

Under the “Permissions” section, find the option labeled “Web & search.” Tap on this option to access website restrictions and filtering.

Step 4: Choose Filtering Level:

You’ll see three filtering levels: “Try to filter” “Only allow certain websites” and “Unrestricted.” Choose the filtering level that suits your preferences. The “Only allow certain websites” option allows you to manually input permitted websites.

Step 5: Add Permitted Websites:

If you select the “Only allow certain websites” option. You can tap on “Add a website” to manually enter the URLs of the websites you want to allow. These websites will be the only ones accessible on the child’s device.

Step 6: Save Changes:

After configuring the website restrictions, make sure to save the changes. The settings will now be applied to your child’s device.

Step 7: Verify Restrictions:

On your child’s Android device, check if the websites you restricted are inaccessible. Attempt to access a blocked website to ensure the restrictions are working.

Advantages of Using Family Link:

  • Comprehensive Control: Family Link offers a wide range of controls beyond website blocking, including app usage limits and screen time management.
  • Google Integration: As an official Google product, Family Link seamlessly integrates with Android devices and Google services.
  • Remote Management: You can manage and monitor your child’s device settings remotely through the Family Link app.


  • Child Centric: Family Link is primarily designed for parental control over children’s devices, making it less suitable for individual adult use.
  • Limited Customization: The “Only allow certain websites” option requires manual input of permitted websites.

Using Google’s Family Link provides parents with an effective and user-friendly way to control website access on their child’s block a website on Android device. By following these steps, you can ensure a safer and more regulated digital experience for your child while giving them the freedom to explore the internet responsibly.

How to utilize Google’s Family Link for parental control and website filtering

Google’s Family Link is a valuable tool that empowers parents to exercise effective parental control and implement website filtering on their child’s block a website on Android device. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps of utilizing Google’s Family Link to create a safer and more regulated digital environment for your child:

Step 1: Download and Set Up Family Link:

  • Download the Google Family Link app from the Google Play Store on both your device and your child’s block a website on Android device.
  • Follow the on screen instructions to set up a Google Account for your child. If they’re under 13, you’ll manage their account using Family Link.

Step 2: Link Parent and Child Accounts:

  • Use your own device to log in to the Family Link app.
  • Tap “Add” and select “Child.”
  • Follow the prompts to connect your child’s device to your account by scanning a QR code or entering a setup code.

Step 3: Access Parental Controls:

  • Open the Family Link app on your device.
  • Select your child’s account.
  • Tap “Settings” and then “Manage settings” under the “Controls” section.

Step 4: Set Up Website Restrictions:

  • In the “Permissions” section, tap on “Web & search.”
  • Choose one of the filtering levels:
  • “Try to filter”: Google will attempt to filter explicit content.
  • “Only allow certain websites”: Manually input the URLs of permitted websites.
  • “Unrestricted”: No filtering is applied.

Step 5: Add Permitted Websites:

If you choose the “Only allow certain websites” option, tap “Add a website.”

Enter the URLs of the websites you want to allow your child to access.

Step 6: Save Changes:

After configuring the website restrictions and filtering level, tap “Save” to apply the settings to your child’s device.

Step 7: Verify Website Blocking:

On your child’s device, try accessing a blocked website. They should receive a notification indicating that the site is restricted.

Advantages of Using Family Link:

  • Customized Control: Family Link allows you to tailor website restrictions to suit your child’s age and needs.
  • Remote Management: You can adjust settings and monitor activity from your own device.
  • Google Integration: Family Link seamlessly integrates with block a website on Android devices and Google services.


  • Child Centric: Family Link is designed for parental control over children’s devices, making it less suitable for individual adult use.
  • Manual Input: The “Only allow certain websites” option requires manual input of permitted websites.

By following these steps, you can utilize Google’s Family Link to ensure a safer and more controlled online experience for your child. With its intuitive interface and versatile features, Family Link empowers parents to guide their child’s digital exploration responsibly.

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Method 5: Editing Hosts File

Editing the hosts file is a technical method that allows you to block websites directly at the system level on your block a website on Android device. While this approach requires a bit of technical know-how, it offers an effective way to prevent access to specific websites. Here’s a guide on how to edit the hosts file for website blocking:

Step 1: Note Your Device’s IP Address:

  • Go to your Android device’s settings.
  • Navigate to “Network & internet” > “Wi-Fi.”
  • Tap on your connected Wi-Fi network. Note the IP address under “IP address.”

Step 2: Download a File Manager App:

  • Download and install a file manager app from the Google Play Store.
  • A reputable file manager app provides access to system files, including the hosts file.

Step 3: Access the Hosts File:

  • Open the file manager app and grant it the necessary permissions.
  • Navigate to the “root” directory, usually labeled as “Device” or “Internal storage.”

Step 4: Locate the Hosts File:

  • Look for a folder named “system” or “etc.”
  • Inside this folder, find the file named “hosts.” This is the file you’ll be editing.

Step 5: Edit the Hosts File:

  • Long press the “hosts” file and select “Open with” > “Text editor” (if prompted).
  • Add a new line at the end of the file in this format: (replace “” with the website’s URL).

Step 6: Save Changes:

After adding the website URLs to the hosts file, save the changes and exit the text editor.

Step 7: Clear DNS Cache:

  • Go to your device’s settings.
  • Navigate to “Network & internet” > “Private DNS.”
  • Set it to “Off” or select “Automatic.”

Step 8: Verify Website Blocking:

Open your device’s browser and try accessing one of the blocked websites. You should see an error or a blank page.

Advantages of Editing Hosts File:

  • System Wide Blocking: Website blocking applies to all browsers and apps on your device.
  • Customizable: You can block specific websites tailored to your preferences.


  • Technical Skill Required: Editing the hosts file requires some technical knowledge and may not be suitable for all users.
  • No Granular Control: You can only block websites on a device wide basis; you can’t set different restrictions for different users.

By following these steps, you can edit the hosts file on your block a website on Android device to effectively block websites. Keep in mind that this method is more advanced and requires caution, as editing system files can potentially impact device functionality.

Tips for Effective Website Blocking

Implementing effective website blocking ensures a controlled and safe online experience, whether for personal productivity or safeguarding family members. These tips will guide you in optimizing your website blocking efforts for maximum efficiency:

1. Define Clear Objectives:

Before you start blocking websites, identify your goals. Whether it’s curbing distractions, enhancing productivity or promoting a safer online environment, knowing your objectives helps you tailor your approach.

2. Choose a Method that Fits Your Needs:

Select a website blocking method that aligns with your preferences and requirements. Built in browser settings, third party apps, router configurations and Family Link each have their own advantages, so choose one that suits your situation.

3. Regularly Update Blocked Websites:

Websites and content evolve over time. Periodically review your blocklists to ensure that you’re blocking the most relevant websites.

4. Communicate with Family Members:

If you’re implementing website blocking for your family, communicate the reasons behind it. Open communication helps family members understand the purpose and importance of restricted access.

5. Balance Restriction and Trust:

When applying website blocking to children, strike a balance between safeguarding them and fostering a sense of trust. Overly restrictive measures might lead to rebellion. So find a middle ground.

6. Monitor and Adjust:

Regularly monitor the effectiveness of your website blocking efforts. Are you achieving your intended goals? If not, consider adjusting your approach.

7. Educate About Responsible Browsing:

Teach children and other users about responsible online behavior. Empower them to recognize and avoid inappropriate or harmful websites.

8. Keep Passwords Secure:

For methods that involve apps or router settings, keep your passwords secure. Prevent unauthorized changes to your website blocking configurations.

how to block a website on android

9. Stay Informed about Online Trends:

Stay up to date with the latest online trends and threats. Understanding potential risks can help you fine tune your website blocking strategy.

10. Consider Multiple Layers of Protection:

Combining different website blocking methods can provide a more comprehensive solution. For instance, you could use both router based blocking and a third party app for added control.

11. Regularly Review App Permissions:

If you’re using third party apps, review their permission requests. Ensure the app only accesses the necessary data for website blocking.

12. Adjust as Needed:

As your needs change, be prepared to adjust your website blocking strategy. Flexibility is key to maintaining a relevant and effective approach.

By following these tips, you can implement website blocking that serves your specific objectives while maintaining a safer and more controlled online experience. Remember that website blocking is a dynamic process and fine tuning your strategy over time will ensure continued success.

Conclusion about How to block a website on android

As the digital world continues to expand. The need to curate a safe and productive online environment becomes paramount. Website blocking on Android devices offers a versatile range of methods to achieve this goal, catering to personal preferences and family dynamics.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your focus, manage screen time for your children or create a secure online haven. These methods empower you with the tools to shape your digital experience.

From utilizing built in browser settings and third party apps to configuring your Wi-Fi router and employing Google’s Family Link, each approach comes with its own advantages and considerations. Your choice hinges on your objectives, technical comfort and the individuals you’re safeguarding.

Remember, an effective website blocking strategy requires a blend of thoughtful planning, consistent maintenance and open communication. By thoughtfully selecting your approach, regularly updating blocklists and staying informed about online trends. You can successfully navigate the digital landscape.

As you embark on this journey to enhance your online life, keep in mind the core objectives: to foster a balanced and controlled online experience that aligns with your values and aspirations. With the right methods and a touch of tech savviness. You can ensure that the internet remains a powerful tool that enriches your life without overshadowing it.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Website blocking is a powerful tool but like any technology. It can encounter issues. This section addresses common troubleshooting questions to help you navigate potential challenges and optimize your website blocking experience:

1. Websites Still Accessible After Blocking:

Issue: Despite your efforts, some websites remain accessible.

Solution: Double check your blocklists and settings to ensure proper configuration. Clear browser caches or restart apps/devices to apply changes.

2. Website Blocking Effects Unintended Sites:

Issue: Blocking specific websites also affects unrelated sites.

Solution: Review your blocklist entries. Ensure they are accurately formatted and don’t include unnecessary spaces or characters.

3. Blocklist Not Updating:

Issue: Added websites aren’t being blocked.

Solution: Refresh your blocklist or app settings. Ensure the changes were saved properly.

4. App or Router Settings Unavailable:

Issue: You can’t find the necessary settings for website blocking.

Solution: Consult your device’s manual or online resources to locate the settings. For routers, ensure you’re logged in as an administrator.

5. App or Device Performance Issues:

Issue: Website blocking impacts app or device performance.

Solution: Check for app updates or consider using a different website blocking method. Avoid overloading routers with excessive website restrictions.

6. Child Bypasses Restrictions:

Issue: A tech savvy child finds a way to bypass website restrictions.

Solution: Keep lines of communication open with your child. Adjust your website blocking methods or settings accordingly.

7. Websites Not Blocked on Specific Browsers:

Issue: Some websites are accessible on certain browsers.

Solution: Confirm that the website blocking method you’re using applies universally to all browsers. Some methods might be browser specific.

Frequently Asked Questions: How to block a website on android

Q1: Can I block websites on my Android device without using any apps?

A: Yes, you can use the built in browser settings or edit the hosts file on rooted devices to block websites without relying on apps.

Q2: Are third party website blocking apps safe to use?

A: Reputable third party apps are safe to use but always read user reviews, check permissions and stick to well known apps to avoid potential security risks.

Q3: Can I block websites on specific devices connected to my Wi-Fi network?

A: Yes, if your router supports it, you can block websites on specific devices using MAC address filtering or device specific settings.

Q4: Will website blocking methods affect the speed of my internet connection?

A: Generally, website blocking methods shouldn’t significantly impact your internet speed. However, certain third party apps might introduce minor latency.

Q5: Can website blocking methods conflict with each other?

A: Yes, using multiple website blocking methods simultaneously can lead to conflicts. Choose one method that best suits your needs.

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